Can’t Stop Thinking That I am Fat

March 1, 2019 / Uncategorized

Can’t Stop Thinking That I am Fat

There has not been a day that has gone by throughout my life that I didn’t have a negative thought about my body. Weight has always been a stressful subject for me. No matter what that scale told me, it didn’t matter. I thought I was fat.

I had no idea that 90% of all women think the exact same way that I do about their own bodies… until I became a Boudoir Photographer.

My very 1st boudoir session left me so confused. My client was gorgeous and she asked me not to photograph her “fat rolls“. She could not really think that she is fat… did she?  How?!

It really only took a few clients for me to see that I was not alone in this incredibly exhausting emotional roller coaster of body image issues.

Being a Boudoir Photographer has opened my eyes to my own insecurities. It’s allowed me to address those (bullshit) insecurities, and allow my husband to hug me and not worry about my fat. To allow my husband to call me beautiful and not replying with “omg stop”, “yea right”, “ugh”. For 35+ years I have been beating myself up. Not another day. It’s time to stop.

When you trust me with your boudoir session, my hope is that you not only leave with beautiful images of yourself to remind you just how gorgeous you are but also to KNOW you are enough.

Do me a favor: make it a habit to look in the mirror every morning and tell yourself 3 positive things about your body. It feels awkward at first, but I promise you that over time it’ll become your truth.

Cheers too embracing and loving who you are RIGHT NOW!! ❤️❤️

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